
Friday, 26 July 2013


Have you ever thought to yourself, "man, i need to learn how to play this beautiful piece of wood!"? Or just have an old guitar that your parents bought thinking that they would play it or at least there child would.
well, here is a chance for you to learn how to play guitar in one day! of course you won't turn into to slash or Jimi Hendrix in a day. But you well be on the right path for it. Over here you can learn to play guitar in just 5 simple Steps!!!

Things you'll need:
  • A guitar
  • A pick
  • Passion
  • patience 
Lets get started!



The first thing you should know to play guitar is how to hold it!
the dent in the bottom of your guitar should rest comfortably on your preferred thigh.
once it's placed, make sure your back is straight and the back of the guitar is flat on your stomach.

Congratulations, you just finished step one!  


Your second step is to know your strings!
follow this picture to understand

"Every Adult Dog Growls Barks Eats" is just a funny way to remember the name of the strings!


Reading the tabs is the simplest part about playing guitar!
Here is an example tab from the song "
On your guitar, you have frets(space between the two bars) each fret is given a number. Example: the first fret is '1', the second fret is '2', and it goes on until the fret board ends. To play the tabs on your guitar, you just have to play the string, on the given fret number. once you are good with that you can carry on look for tabs.

A good site for tabs is


Our next step is to play chords!!
Playing chords isn't as tough as it sounds. all you need is a little practice!

Go to this site for learning chords

After learning the chords you go to your last and final step!!!!!!!!!!

 the last step is to preform and show off your talent

Congratulations!! You can play guitar!